About Me
Hello. My name is Alex and I created this site in 2010. I offer free lawn advice to landscapers and home owners.
My family has been in the lawn care business for decades now. My son in law was my partner on the business over the past few years, though he moved away to Memphis, so in spite of my love for the work in 2022 I stopped serving local customers as working out in the heat long hours is a bit too much to bear at my age & it would cost my son $30 or more in gas round trip plus a couple hours of driving and wear and tear on his vehicle for him to come down and help.
I spent a number of years serving Central Illinois before my wife retired and moved south. For roughly the past decade we have lived in Selmer, Tennessee and have provided lawn services to the local residential and business communities. Most of our clients are local in town, but we also have a few clients as far as 30 or 40 miles away. Larger commercial projects can justify further travel, but for residential projects we have to stay close to home to make the numbers work out well, especially with the rising price of gas the last 15 years. Recently we’ve got a bit of a break on the gas prices, but the relentless march higher will likely resume in the next year.
Before working in the landscaping industry I have had a variety of jobs in a wide range of fields. I got my start on electronics when I worked on anti-sub planes in the Navy. I later worked in pharmaceutical sales, and when I met my wife I got a job as a manager at the local RadioShack. I have always been one who prefers to be active rather than idling about. Landscaping not only gives me something to do, but also helps me maintain my health.
About Our Site
My son and I worked together on this site in order to help get the word out about our lawn services in the local community & to help share tips on what’s working with the broader web. I recently had hip replacement surgery and am fighting my way back to full mobility. Answering emails from and comments on this site is one of the things which helps bring me joy until I can get out there again later this summer.
My son and his wife have helped run our local business while I recover from the surgery.
Common Questions
I Want to Start a Landscaping Business. Where do I Get Started?
In our site’s navigation we cover a number of business-related issues like marketing and insurance. If you have specific issues which are not answered on our site you can leave a comment and I will try to reply to them fairly quickly. There are also some decent books like this one as a decent business primer. Be aware that some books (like this one) may be too basic, so it does help to read the reviews before buying.
Will You Run My Ads on Your Websites?
We have had bad luck with testing some affiliate offers and ad networks over the years. Most of them simply did not produce, and some which claimed to have produced later withheld payment! Thus we typically prefer to work with larger trustworthy contextual ad networks like Media.net or Google. Currently we are partnered with Media.net. Their ad preference page is located here. It offers an interest-based ad opt-out option and links to their full privacy policy. Our site is also experimenting with Amazon.com’s Native Shopping Ads as part of their Amazon Associates program.
I don’t make much money from the ads on this site, but it certainly does feel deflating when I run someone’s ads and they don’t even pay! Thus if you have an affiliate offer and are confident it will convert and be worth my time, then I would need some sort of upfront payment to show confidence on your behalf and protect me from engaging further with any more bogus offers which do not pay. Nothing against you in particular, just the half dozen or so who have took me for a ride in the past!
If you run a regional landscaping business and would like us to make a custom page for you on our site, we might be able to work something out, provided you are not located in Selmer! It can take a couple days to a week to set up a custom page for your business. You can see our local page here. Setting up a custom page for your business would start in the $500 to $1,000 and up range, depending on how complex your needs are. Your page would contain your phone number and the email contact form would go to your business. So far we have not set up any pages for other businesses in this manner, but if & when we do we will update this page to highlight that submitting data to our site on those pages would send information to the associated business owners.
Is This Site for Sale?
Thanks for the offer, but I am not interested in selling this site (or, at least my interest is minimal based on what offers I have received thusfar). Outside of running a part-time landscaping business with my son (who now does most of the work) I am retired (or at least semi-retired) and do not need much money to get by.
I have put hundreds of hours of work into this site and the domain name also cost thousands of Dollars. Most the people who have made offers in the past have offered far less for the whole site than the domain name cost. If I was going to sell something I loved for a song, I would just give it to my son, rather than selling it for next to nothing.
Have any other questions? Contact us using the comment form below.
Where can I find information specific to lawn care franchasing such as who pays for the equipment, attorneys fees, franchise rates charged to franchisees etc.
My lawn gets Many large brown spots and I have been told that I have many insects in the lawn that are attacking and eating the roots. Do you have a fertilizer that would kill these things and feed the grass as well ?? Or just kill the bugs??
John Hulderman 547 S.E. Jaylen Dr. Grants Pass Or. 97527
Who do I contact about republishing content from this site?
reply: Please feel free to leave your inquiry as a comment & we will reply back if the request sounds reasonable to us.
Hi, I would like to discuss cost per lead advertising opportunities with you. Please email me, and we can chat soon.
Aaron King
reply: Hi Aaron, could you give us more details with what you had in mind via a comment? If we find your offering interesting we will reply via email.
Hey Deborah,
I had just left you a voicemail but I wanted to get in touch to discuss advertising opportunities on your site. I represent a national lawn care client and would like to further discuss setting up their ads on your site. The campaign type would be on a cost-per-lead basis. I can’t disclose to you publicly on this comment forum which client I represent but feel free to call me direct (phone number is in the voicemail I left you) and we could continue conversations. Thank you for your time!
Wow this is just awesome!!! Who knew that lawn caring was so difficult. Thank you for having a lot of different forum its very educational. I feel empowered and motivated to move forward with taking tremendous care on my own yard. Thank you for having so many wonderful websites. I really am happy to see that a business is out there who helps when in need great company.
Could you contact me about selling the site if you are interested?
I’m 32 and water my Dad’s lawn for him in the summer. I have a few questions for you. I’m in Northern NJ. It was a hardiness zone of 6b but apparently it’s now 7a.
1. Currently, I use a hose and wave back and forth to the count of 5 on light watering days (like if we might get rain but it’s unclear) or the count of 10 for every other day. I only water if there has been 10 days of no water or it’s above 75 degrees and didn’t rain the day before. Is that good or should I modify any of this?
2. I might try a sprinkler this year but how long do you recommended leaving it out for and how often?
I’m interested in your thoughts.
Hi, I would use a contact form but can’t find one so I’ll leave a comment. I’m interested in making you an offer to purchase lawncare.org. Please contact me! Lets chat! Thanks
I could not find on this site any information as to who you are and with whom are you affiliated. Could you share your background and just where your services are offered, or with whom you are associated? It is always helpful to know the source of the information that is being published. Thank you,
reply: Hi Marie. Please follow the link in the above post to see our family lawncare business
I love your website, I have one too, who did your site, and how do you get your site so high on google. Thanks James
Hi we are now getting web sites put together and hope to have the listed ones up in 2 weeks, we want to put a link to your site on both (2mowcheyenne.com 2mowintherockies.com) if that’s ok, let us know thanks
Great site. First I apologize for leaving a comment but couldn’t find an easier way of getting in touch with your team. I’m writing to see if there are any ways we can work together. If that is something you are open too, please shoot me an email with your contact information. Thanks.
David Secrest
Hi there,
I’m the editorial assistant for Intuit GoPayment.com, a leading provider of mobile credit card readers. We are a Google PageRank 6 site with some of the top keyword rankings in the industry.
We often feature links to quality sites that our users would find useful, and we’d love to do an email interview with you to run on our blog.
We’ll send you a few interview questions by email, and we’ll turn your responses into a great article for our audience, with a link back to Lawn Care. All we ask in return is a link from your site, promoting the article to your audience.
Our site: http://GoPayment.com
Our blog: http://blog.GoPayment.com
Please let me know if you’d be interested in doing the email interview with us, and we’ll get moving on it right away!
Thank you,
Micah L.
I bought a soil testing kit for my lawn. It indicated that my nitrogen level was medium, the phosphorus was extremely low and the potassium was low.
My first question is what is the desired fertilizer formula for Kentucky bluegrass?
Question #2. All of the lawn fertilizer that I can find have a high nitrogen content but a low or no phosphorus content. Where can I find fertilizer with high phosphorus content but little or no nitrogen?
I just finished reading an article on https://www.lawncare.org/ about DIY lawn care tips. I really enjoyed all of the helpful tips with regards to lawn care This article encouraged me to like your page on Facebook to receive updates from your site.
My name is Chris and I work for Rosetta, one of the top interactive marketing agencies in the US. I am really interested in placing a guest post on https://www.lawncare.org/ and I already have a couple of Lawn Mower Maintenance topics in mind. Is this something you would be interested in?
I hope to hear from you soon,
SEO Strategist, Search & Media
629 Euclid Avenue / Cleveland, OH 44114
E chris.svancara@rosetta.com
Interested in selling lawncare.org? Please send me an email.
I used the Scotts weed and feed lawn care product on my lawn and after following all of the instructions the weeds are thriving. Extremely disappointing!
I Cub Cadet and recently found Lawn Care while doing some industry research. We love that your blog focuses on the proper methods for lawn care, in addition to creative gardening tips and tricks!
We’re always on the lookout for different organizations to post our original content to their own websites, and I thought Lawn Care would be a great fit for this type of partnership.
Do you think this is something your readers would like to see?
Let me know if you have any questions or feedback about our site or our products. If you are interested in collaborating in other ways, I’m open to ideas!
Best regards,
Erin Cannon
I’m in Birmingham, AL, and have zoysia in my front yard. We had a couple of nights of hard freeze before I was able to cut the grass for the last time before winter. We have a couple of warm days this weekend and I would like to do it now. Anything I need to consider?
We have a summer home that has three buildings perpendicular to each other. There is a great deal of traffic and the lawn is beginning to show it. Up until now this lawn was like magic. Did not need any maintenance. But as families have grown over the years, the traffic has increased and the lawn shows it, particularly in the entrance to the kitchen. Any thoughts to stop the erosion?
Thought this website was very informational, ”Thanks” for helping/sharing your knowledge in Lawn Care. I really thought it was a small world in you saying you lived in Illinois as I am from Peoria, IL. now living in Killen, Alabama. My Mom and Dad was originally from down here so I retired and moved down here to where my roots began I always had the south running through my veins. Take care and thanks again to you and your son for putting this website together, Vince Pennington…..
Hi Alex!
I live in NW Ohio where frost/thaw heave results in a vrey uneven yard. I have been in this house (built) for twelve years. I have rolled it twoce in the past but wondwr if I’m causing damage. I have it treated four times a year and aereated every fall.
Thanks, Ron
I was reading your article about bermuda lawn care and was interested in the mowing section. Especially the reel type mower. Bermuda grass can get real thick and it is difficult at times pushing a lawn mower with mulching blades through it. It is a self propelled 5.5 hp honda engine. What type reel mower are you recommending. Also on watering, is early mornings the best time to irrigate the lawn? Any recommendations on how long to water, i.e. 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, etc??
Thanks so much for your advice.
I live in north-central West Virginia, and it is now the end of November. My normal lawn care group usually mows my lawn every other week, but they have not been out to mow for three months, probably because of construction and also demolition taking place in my neighborhood and limited parking, although they have never contacted me about what has happened to them. I normally hire them to clean my yard for the winter in early November when all of the leaves have fallen off of my two trees. They usually mow the grass for the last time, mulching up all of the leaves and then blowing the rest off the property, and they cut down all the tall flowers, trim bushes etc. I am concerned now because we have had freezing temperatures here several times and it has snowed a few times like today, and I’m still hoping to get them to come out and do the cleanup and possible mowing, since the grass has gotten higher. Is there a problem in trying to have the lawn mowed this late in the year if we try to select a day when it’s above freezing, like in the 40s or 50s? I don’t know if this would be bad for the grass since we have already had a lot of freezing weather and snow-not sure if the grass goes into like a winter state. Please let me know the pros and cons of trying to get this work done now this late in the year here? Also, I’d appreciate it if you could provide some advice about how high the temperature should be or how dry think should be to do any mowing if that’s still possible? It’s kind of confusing when we might have a couple days of freezing weather, and then it could be 40 or 50° and then rain and snow again. Thank you!
Hi Alex – This is really a great site for people looking for lawn improvement tips! I noticed you have media.net and Amazon ads, have you tried Google?
Here at Ezoic (a Google Certified Publishing Partner), our machine learning platform identifies the most effective and user-friendly ad placements for each visitor to your site. This not only increases your overall earnings but improves user engagement and overall site health.
You can test Ezoic alongside your current setup to compare performance; most publishers see an uplift of 60-150%. Best of all, it’s fully automated, which means no work required from you!
What’s the best way to schedule a quick 15-minute call? Alternatively, I can send info via email – which would you prefer?
Publisher Team
Hi Alex – I’d like to buy lawncare.org and I’m a very serious buyer. I am well aware of the value of lawncare.org and prepared to make you a very attractive offer if you will contact me please.
Thank you in advance.
Hello! Hope this email finds you well, my name is Mia and I am interested in advertising with you. Honestly, I was wondering if there is a possibility for a guest post or sponsored post. If yes, please let me know, and send me some details about this. Hope to hear from you soon
Best Regards, Mia